Project & Construction Management
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When it comes to putting the different commissioning phases in order, CoCEPTIO plays an active role in drawing up the plan and the sequencing and performing critical tests on site to be able to intervene quickly if necessary, at the same time as keeping control of the costs, the timetable and the complete management of all the documents involved.

The way we handle all of our projects is controlled and transparent, working closely with all stakeholders, including the client and the project team. This guarantees that the project fully meets the client’s expectations; a project that will allow the client to achieve their own goals!

CoCEPTIO delivers the highest level of customer satisfaction in both the short and long term.
That’s why getting the different technical aspects up and running, gathering adjustment data and the various documentation elements will help guarantee maintenance over time.

Our expertise and strict methodology have often delivered record turnaround times while keeping within budget.

Projet portfolio Management

Our teams are able to manage all of your ongoing projects.

Projet management

Construction management

EHS management

Managing a project also means making sure that the working environment is safe. CoCEPTIO has its own EHS team.

References Project & Construction Management

Zoëtis 2017-2019
Catalent 2022
EyeD Pharma 2022

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