Accueil » Disciplines » Utilities


Utilities is all about managing the distribution of liquids, gases, steam and vacuums in your installations.

There are two types of utilities.
Black utilities (mains water, grey water and waste water, steam, medical gases, compressed air, waste water drains etc.) and clean utilities that distribute components of the finished product or components that will come into contact with the finished product at some point in the process (purified and controlled liquids, process drains etc.)

At CoCEPTIO, black utilities are managed by our HVAC team. Their priority is to optimise the physical and energy performance of your installation. And it is our process engineers who take care of the clean utilities. Their expertise ensures the quality of the finished product, by producing an installation that meets the highest quality standards and continuous flow control.

 We can take care of:

•           Customising the definition of user requirements specifications (URS)

•           Studies (from feasibility to detailed design)

•           Defining the necessary budgets and planning implementation

•           Contact with the supplier to secure an accurate proposal

•           Monitoring the progress of your project

•           Monitoring compliance with legal requirements

•           Help with start-up and commissioning

•           Support when it comes to qualification and validation

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